Parent Engagement

Parent Association Group

At the CDLS parent meeting in November, parents from the CDLS community came together to discuss their hopes for the future of our school.  We asked parents what we can do to make your job as a parent easier? Many parents said they’d like supports navigating screen time limits, bedtime routines, and other behaviors that arise when raising young children. Other parents shared that they’d just like the space and time to talk to other parents who are navigating the same issues! To that end our Parent Educator, Ayuko Boomer, has arranged a series of parent education opportunities to suppor the CDLS families. Please read the Parent Education section of our newsletter for more information!

We also asked parents what community events they would like to see at CDLS. Parents expressed a strong desire to get to know one another and build community outside of the classroom. Parents shared many wonderful suggestions ranging from play dates at Van Cleve Park to a spring camping trip to hosting an event for teachers to show their appreciation.  In December we had our first CDLS Bonfire and Cocoa event, and it was a hit! It was so wonderful to see families chatting around the bonfire pits as their children scrambled over the snow hills and played together. In response to the meeting, parents also organized a Staff Appreciation Potluck. Teachers and staff enjoyed a delicious dinner together and got to spend time getting to know their new colleagues! It was a treat. 

After the meeting we sent a Volunteer Survey to families that outlined several ways parents can be involved in CDLS events in the future. Several parents indicated that they would like to be on a regularly meeting CDLS Parent Association Committee. 

Next Parent Association Meeting

The next CDLS Parent Association meeting will be held the week of Feburary 21st. If you are interested in being a part of the CDLS Parent Association and would like to be invited to future meetings, please e-mail Marie Lister at

Bonfire Pit Fundraiser

Our fundraiser to buy a solo stove bonfire pit was a rousing success! Thanks to your gerenrous donations we raised $900 in just one week. Parent volunteer Kat Donnelly organized the fundraiser and puchsed the stove. The remaining funds were used to purchase a gift card to Home Depot. The Outdoor Committee is working to determine how those funds will be used to improve our gardens and outdoor spaces at CDLS. Thank you so much for your support! 

Parent Education

Hello families!  There are many different Parent Education activities happening this Spring at CDLS!

  1. CDLS parent support group had their first meeting on February 16th!  If you didn’t get a chance to sign up and missed this past one but would like to be informed or attend future meetings, please email me at  This support group is for you!

2) ECFE at CDLS! Parent educators from CDLS and Minneapolis ECFE will be collaborating for a 4-week class discussing the topic of Social-Emotional Development for children ages birth to 5. *This will be an in-person class for parents only.  

When: Wednesdays (12:30pm-1:30pm): April, 13, 20, 27, May 4

Location: CDLS Training Room

Cost: $0-$20 depending on the ability to pay

Register here: 

3) Be on the lookout:  Later in the Spring, CDLS will be hosting special guest speaker Marie Lister, on “Young Children and Executive Function.” Marie Lister has worked in the field of early childhood education since 2004 and is currently a preschool teacher and the assistant director at the Child Development Lab School at the University of Minnesota. She studies executive function skills and is a professional development specialist for Reflection Sciences, Inc.