Family Advisory Council

The purpose of the Family Advisory Council is to advise and assist in the functioning of programs and activities of the Child Development Laboratory School (CDLS).

The Family Advisory Council:

  • serves as a mutual support for staff and caregivers;
  • stimulates communication between staff and caregivers;
  • represents caregiver concerns from each classroom;
  • advises on the establishment of priorities and the resource needs of the school; and
  • supports the enriching social and educational experiences in the school to help all children develop their physical, mental, and social potentials.


The Family Advisory Council is open to all parents of CDLS students. Ideally, it will consist of at least one parent (the room parent) from each classroom.


We select officers in April. Officers serve for one year. The officers are a chair (or co-chairs) and a recording secretary.

  • The chair/co-chairs will preside over meetings, call special meetings as needed, and plan the agenda with the CDLS co-directors.
  • The recording secretary records and communicates the minutes of the meeting and lists people in attendance.


All parents may attend meetings, which take place at least once each term.


Motions pass with a simple majority of those members present.