Child Development Laboratory School receives four-star Parent Aware rating

The Child Development Laboratory School (CDLS) at the Institute of Child Development (ICD) has received a four-star rating from Parent Aware, the highest possible rating.

Parent Aware is Minnesota’s Quality Rating and Improvement System, which aims to help families identify high-quality early care and education programs that are using research-based best practices. Participating programs can earn a one-, two-, three-, or four-star rating. Ratings are based on demonstrated use of research-based practices that prepare children for school and life.

A four-star rating is the highest Parent Aware rating and indicates that a program is excelling in kindergarten readiness best practices. In addition to demonstrating practices for all of the previous rating levels, according to Parent Aware, programs that have earned a four-star rating commit to ongoing quality improvement by using most of the below best practices:

  • Responds to unique cultural customs and needs of children and families
  • Offers activities that encourage family participation and help children transition to kindergarten
  • Gives families opportunities to provide feedback about the program
  • Shares child development updates with families to set goals together
  • Makes accommodations for children with special needs and their families
  • Has highly-qualified and trained leadership staff, teachers, and providers
  • Creates a program-wide professional development plan
  • Encourages healthy living through nutrition and physical activity, always evaluating to set goals for growth