Parent Education: Resource on young children and technology

Hello families, 

Thank you for filling out the parent education survey!  We appreciate your feedback and the survey is now closed. From the survey, the majority of the respondents wanted a guest speaker, topical resources on the CDLS website and in the newsletter, and a quarterly parent support group. The staff will begin working on these opportunities for next semester.  

In the meantime, we invite you to visit this website, a resource about young children and technology.  

Their story: 

Spark & Stitch Institute™ is a Walsh family project. It is the culmination of over thirty years of serving parents and educators by translating research in the fields of child and adolescent development, digital media, and youth thriving. Spark & Stitch Institute was created by Erin Walsh, her parents Dr. Dave and Monica Walsh, and creative collaborators including artist Molly Van Avery. We are committed to sparking greater understanding of why kids need courage and connection to thrive and how to foster it in the digital age. Still curious about where we’ve been and where we are going?

David Walsh, Ph.D. is an award-winning psychologist, best selling author, and international speaker. In 1995, he founded the internationally renowned National Institute on Media and the Family, which he led until 2010. In 2011 he founded Mind Positive Parenting to translate cutting edge brain science to everyday practice for parents, teachers and other professionals. Dr. Walsh has written ten books including the national best sellers Why Do They Act That Way? A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain for You and Your Teen and No: Why Kids – of All Ages – Need to Hear It and Ways Parents Can Say It.  And…he is a Lab School parent alumni.

Erin Walsh is a parent, speaker, educator, and writer. She has worked with communities across the country who want to better understand child and adolescent development and cut through conflicting information about kids and technology. She is fiercely committed to bringing an equity lens and asset-based approach to our understanding of, and response to, youth and media. Her signature down-to-earth approach and sense of humor helps families and educators engage in complicated topics and leave feeling capable and motivated. Erin is a Lab School alumni and a Lab School parent alumni.

Thank you,

Ayuko Boomer

Early Childhood Specialist & Parent Educator

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