Observation procedures

General Information: The Child Development Laboratory School is located at 921 17th Avenue SE, Minneapolis, MN  55414

Half Day Morning sessions meet from 8:30-11:30 (Age ranges as of 9/1/21):

  • Group I (Room 118): Meets Tuesday and Friday
    • Ages: 2 years to 2 years 6 months
    • Lead Teacher: Ayuko Boomer; email: boome004@umn.edu
  • Group II (Room 118): Meets Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
    • Ages: 2 years 6 months to 3 years 
    • Lead Teacher: Ayuko Boomer; email: boome004@umn.edu
  • Group III (Room 114): Meets Monday – Friday
    • Ages: 3 years to 5 years
    • Lead Teacher: Alyssa Wilt; email: wiltx013@umn.edu
  • Group IV (Room 112): Meets Monday – Friday
    • Ages: 3 years to 5 years 
    • Lead Teacher: Amy Betz; email: amybetz@umn.edu

Full Day Classes Meet Monday-Friday

  • Infants (Room ): 7:30-5:30
    • Ages: 3 months-16 months
    • Supervisor: Becky Hegstad; email: hegs0015@umn.edu
  • Toddlers (Room ): 7:30-12:30 or 2:30-5:30
    • Ages: 16 months-33 months
    • Supervisor: Becky Hegstad; email: hegs0015@umn.edu
  • Toddlers (Room ): 7:30-12:30 or 2:30-5:30
    • Ages: 16 months-33 months
    • Supervisor:  Becky Hegstad; email: hegs0015@umn.edu
  • Preschool (Room ): 7:30-12:30 or 2:30-5:30
    • Ages: 33 months- 5 years
    • Supervisor: Anne “Louii” Thomsen; email: athomsen@umn.edu 
  • Preschool (Room ): 7:30-12:30 or 2:30-5:30
    • Ages: 33 months- 5 years
    • Supervisor: Anne “Louii” Thomsen; email: athomsen@umn.edu 


  1. All observation booth doors are labeled and are available in the three half day classrooms and the gym. 
  2. Staff and currently enrolled students who are observing more than once during a semester can request pre-approval to gain entry using a U Card. Please contact Lily Bray at sahl0032@umn.edu at least one week in advance of your visit. 
  3. A directory denoting the children, their ages, and an approximate daily schedule are posted in each booth.
  4. Enter booths and sign in upon entering
  5. If you need information from a teacher or student teacher, please obtain it before or after school.
  6. Booths are to be used only when children are in the classroom; staff use the time before and after class for discussion of individual children’s needs and this information is confidential.


  1. The children use several playgrounds.  
  2. Please observe on the playgrounds by standing along the sides near the fence or building.
  3. If a child asks you a question, answer briefly and do not continue the conversation.  Please do not initiate contact with a child.


  1. If you have questions regarding the half day sessions while you are visiting, or about activities in the school please contact the CDLS Director of Teaching & Research, Marie Lister, 612-624-9543 or list0019@umn.edu. If you have questions regarding the full day sessions while you are visiting, or activities in the school please contact CDLS Director of Operations, Sarah McKee eydam001@umn.edu or 612-625-2273.
  2. Written comments, questions or suggestions concerning the program are responded to and appreciated.