As we prepare for the colder winter weather, please send your child with the appropriate clothing to venture outside each day, and please remember that layering is important for flexibility as the weather changes throughout the day. In the part-day classrooms children spend up to 3 hours each day outdoors, so it is important that children have everything they need to be safe and warm.
Please remember to label all outdoor gear, masks, and extra clothing so we can be sure to get it back to you at the end of the day.
Here is our recommended list of outerwear for the days between 20-40 degrees, additional recommendations for children that tend to be colder outdoors, snowy days, or for temperatures under 20 degrees are in italics.
- Warm hat that covers ears
- Fleece or wool neck gaiter or balaclava
- 3 upper layers: for example, a thermal base layer, t-shirt, sweater/sweatshirt, and waterproof insulated jacket or snowsuit
- Waterproof insulated mittens and wool glove or mitten liners
- 2-3 lower layers: for example, a fleece insulated jeans and rain pants, pants and snow pants or thermal base layer, leggings, and snow pants or thermal base layer, pants, and snowsuit.
- Warm socks (wool or synthetic- cotton is not recommended) 1-2 pair (not too thick)
- Insulated winter boots rated below zero
If you have any questions about inclement weather or gear, please contact Sheila at will0342@umn.edu. Thank you for all that you do in support of this level of engagement with learning and exploration!